النظافة العميقة
ويضم هذا البرنامج مجموعة من حلول النظافة العامة التي لا غنى عنها، سواء تنظيف الوحدات السكنية والمتمثلة في تنظيف القصور وتنظيف الفلل وتنظيف الشقق، أو تنظيف الشركات والمؤسسات الحكومية والتجارية، أو تنظيف الكيانات الخدمية والصناعية. ومن تلك الحلول: تنظيف الأرضيات والجدران، وتنظيف التحف والأنتيكات، وتنظيف الثريات الكريستال؛ بحيث تهدف مجموعة الحلول بهذا البرنامج إلى إزالة ذرات الغبار والترسبات الجيرية والاسمنتية والإتساخات المختلفة، بالشكل الذي يقضي على تكاثر وانتشار الجراثيم المسببة للأمراض التنفسية والجلدية، مع الاهتمام بالمظهر، والعمل على استرجاعها كما كانت قدر الإمكان، والحفاظ على العمر الافتراضي، وذلك من خلال نخبة من العمالة الفنية المدربة، وأحدث الأجهزة والمعدات والمنظفات المصرح بها من الجهات المختصة.
تنظيف الثريات
تعلم يوني كلين بأهمية نظافة الثريات لما لها من دور في جمالية المكان وحتى تظهر الثريا بريقها من قوة النظافة التي تحصل عليها بشكل دوري، لذا قامت يوني كلين بتخصيص أجهزة ومواد تنظيف الثريات لما تحمله من جواهر كريستالية لامعة وخصوصا الكريستال البلجيكي والمصري لما له من شهرة واسعة في أنحاء العالم.
تنظيف المكيفات
إيماناً من يوني كلين بأهمية نظافة المكيفات قمنا بتخصيص فريق عمل لتنظيف المكيفات بواسطة أجهزة متخصصة لوحدات التكييف الداخلية، حيث ان وحدات التكييف تحمل شرائح حساسة قد تتأثر بقوة ضغط الماء العالي, لذلك خصصت يوني كلين أجهزة لتنظيف المكيفات وتنظيف وحدات التكييف الداخلية.
Commercial Carpets Steam Cleaning
Commercial offices, usually, put a special carpets for companies, which is popularly called "square carpets ", since this type of carpets requires the presence of a special material when this type of carpet contains a plastic material adjacent to the floor, where UniClean cleans the commercial carpet at the customer's site by steam. This can be done outside or during working hours, as this type of carpet dries faster than cleaning regular carpet because of the small bristles of commercial carpeting.
Steam cleaning of Rugs and carpets
By using high-efficiency devices in the steam cleaning process, which is characterized by pumping steam jet spray accompanied by the cleaning fluid, while re-withdrawing it at the same time; so as to give a dry rate of up to 85%; This process enables the reuse of what was cleaned within limited hours. This process is performed by using Prochem products specialized in cleaning carpets and rugs which depend on the material if it is silk, wool or synthetic, as each one of them has different materials from the others and it is internationally approved and safe for furnishings by following methods:
UniClean technicians are removing the impurities on the carpet by sweeping it with high drawing machines.
The materials are distributed by means of a dedicated carpet and carpet brush so as to ensure the spread of the material distribution.
Pumping high-density water steam with a rinse added in order to obtain the highest degree of hygiene.
Steam cleaning of narrow corners with a handheld device. Drying carpets and rugs after cleaning them to ensure drying as soon as possible with devices designated for drying.
The dry spray materials are distributed over the area to be cleaned and left for approximately 5 minutes to ensure penetration of the material with sediments inside the furnishings.
Dry Rugs and Carpet Cleaning
UniClean is using fiberdri which is a special high-quality formula that is used for dry cleaning and absorption of the spills on the carpets and woolen, silk and ordinary furnishings. Also, it contains biodegradable ingredients along with an attractive aromatic scent so as to absorb dirt and moisture where it allows the usage of furnishings immediately after completing the process of cleaning. It is certified by Wool safe Organization for carpet and wool rug maintenance.
UniClean is using Fiberdri as follows:
This program is implemented by using Fiberdri, which is the only one of its kind in the world.
Fiberdri shall be distributed on the carpet to be treated and cleaned.
The powder shall be scrubbed by a machine brush to the entire carpet or rugs.
Afterwards, it shall be removed by the dedicated machine.
Cleaning of Mattress Steam
Each one of us spend approximately a third of our life on the mattress. Therefore, the mattress must be kept clean periodically to prevent the formation of stains or the growth of mold, which requires cleaning it by steam as it relies on pumping and pulling at the same time, which makes the cycle of the cleaning process fast, timely and efficient.